
Laura Cusack is a Senior Crime Victim Practitioner at the Coalition for Independent Living Options, Inc. She currently is a member of the Palm Beach County Human Trafficking Task Force, Palm Beach County Sexual Assault Response Team and People with Disabilities Community Consultant Panel. Laura’s experience includes providing training to service providers on specific needs of crime victims with disabilities, on human trafficking and on crimes against children; facilitating psychoeducational groups for high-risk youth with trauma-related disabilities; leading community outreach efforts; and instructing criminal diversion curriculum to men arrested for buying sex. Laura launched the Hope Campaign in Florida, a community outreach in Palm Beach County that works with local hotels to identify missing children and increase public access to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. She has also conducted street outreach with law enforcement to women in street-based prostitution to promote safety and wellness. Laura is a member of the Palm Beach County Human Trafficking Task Force, and regularly attends the Statewide Council on Human Trafficking meetings. Laura earned her Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) from Florida Atlantic University and is certified in the My Life My Choice, iEmpathize Empower Youth Program, and Men Breaking Free national curriculum.


Susan Kanoff